Καλές γιορτές να έχουμε...
Τι ν'ακούσω για να μπω στο κλίμα??
Monday, December 11, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
E ritorno da te!
E ritorno da te nonostante il mio orgoglio
Io ritorno perche altra scelta non c'?
Ricordando i giorni un'altra latitudine
Frequentando i posti dove ti vedrei
Recitando i gesti e le parole che ho perso
E ritorno da te dal silenzio che in me
Tu dimmi se c' ancora per me
Un'altra occasione, un'altra emozione
Se ancora sei tu, ancora di piu
Un altra canzone fresca e nuova
Tu dimmi se ormai qualcosa di noi
C' ancora dentro gli occhi tuoi
Gli occhi tuoi
E ritorno da te perche ancora ti voglio
E ritorno da te contro il vento che c'?
Io ritorno perche ho bisogno di te
Di respirare fuori da questa inquetudine
Di ritrovare mani forti su di me
E non sentirmi sempre cos fragile
Tu dimmi solo se c' ancora per me
Un'altra occasione, un'altra emozione
Dimmi se ancora sei tu, ancora di piu
La nostra canzone che risuona
Tu dimmi se ormai qualcosa di noi
C' ancora dentro gli occhi tuoi
Se ancora sei tu
Una canzone fresca e nuova
Tu dimmi se ormai qualcosa di noi
C' ancora dentro gli occhi tuoi
Gli occhi tuoi
Dimmi solo se c'?
E ritorno da te...
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Let your love show!
Sit down, give me your hand
I'm gonna tell you the future
I see you, living happily
With somebody who really suits you
Someone like me
Stand still. Breath in
Are you listening?
You don't know
Somebody's aching. Keeping it all in
Somebody won't let go of his heart but the truth is
It's painless
Letting your love show...
Break down. Give me some time
I don't want the fear to confuse you
Right now, it's so wrong
But maybe it's all in the future with
Someone like you
Stand still. Breath in
Are you listening?
Maybe truth, maybe lies
Made me want you
Maybe dumb, maybe wise...?
I don't know
Somebody's aching. Keeping it all in
Somebody won't let go of his heart but the truth is
It's painless
Letting your love show
You don't know
Somebody's hurting. Holding it all in
Somebody can't let go of his heart but the truth is
It's painless
Letting your love show...
Friday, October 13, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
..rainy autumn night!
All the miles that separate us...
Disappear now when I'm dreamin' of your face
I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight, there's only you and me..
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I'm so in love with you
Whether it is right or it's wrong
I'm too weak to be strong
I'm so in love with you
Well you say you need something
To help you when you're down, to take your fears away
you say you'd do anything
To keep your feet off the ground
And help you on your way
You're all I need
you are all that I need..
I'm so in love with you
I'm so in love with you
Whether it is right or it's wrong
I'm too weak to be strong
I'm so in love with you
When you see your reflection
You say it isn't you
Then you turn the other way
And I'm watching you suffer
Yourself and your pain
Please don't fade away...
Free me!!!!
You gave me something
Like loving
And took me in so soon
You took my feelings
from nothing
Come back at noon
Just meet me
I'm ready
To show myself to you...
So if I lose my patience
You must try to understand
(try to understand)
If I lose my patience...
Cause you make me feel wild
You touch my inner smile
You got me in the mood
So come and make your rule
And free me...
You make my wishes
As much as
Your kisses make me blue
You've found my river
Now will you
Escape away too?
But baby,
I'm ready
I'm falling into you...
So if I lose my patience
You must try to understand
(try to understand)
If I lose my patience...
Cause you make me feel wild
You touch my inner smile
You got me in the mood
So come and make your rule
And touch my inner smile
Come get my inner smile...
Sometimes I need to be alone
There's times I need for you to phone
Sometimes you make me feel so high
There's times I ask myself why...
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Friday, July 07, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Am I too blind to see?
Why did he go?
Why did he leave me?
Dark cloud has come into the way..
Kαλό καλοκαίρι;

And the way it goes
You can't tag along
Honey moved out
And the way it went
Leaves no doubt
Moments will pass
In the morning light
I found out
Seasons can't last
And there's one thing
Stay, don't just walk away
And leave me another day
A day just like today
With nobody else around
Friendships move on
Until the day
You can't get along
Handshakes unfold
And the way it goes
No one knows
Moments will pass
In the morning light
I found out
Seasons can't last
So there's just one thing
Left to ask
Stay, don't just walk away
And leave me another day
A day just like today
Stay, don't just walk away
With nobody else around
Summer moved on ...
Monday, June 12, 2006
Moody monday....
I feel so extraordinary
Something's got a hold on me
I get this feeling I'm in motion
A sudden sense of liberty
I don't care 'cause I'm not there
And I don't care if I'm here tomorrow
Again and again I've taken too much
Of the things that cost you too much
I used to think that the day would never come
I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
I used to think that the day would never come
That my life would depend on the morning sun...
Saturday, June 03, 2006
I saw you walking in the rain
You were holding hands
And I'll never be the same...
Where should I begin? Let's see,
You said you needed space
To clear up all the haze
If you've really opened up to me
How can you explain
All this disarray?
'Cause I saw you walking in the rain
You were holding hands
And I'll never be the same...
Oh no, I'll never be the same...
The truth is always best, you see
I walk away with dignity
While you swim in regret
All that keeps popping in my head
Are some words you said to me in bed
But the love you gave is the love I'll forget.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Stay true to the things I knew when I was younger,
When food and love was all there left to hunger..
It's when I stray from that truth as I grow older,
Too much leaves an empty hollow hunger.
I think about you on the moon lit night and
the stars all seem to weep...
When there's so much love to lose, there's never any time for sleep...
Look at me doing all these things without you
We always left and you were untrue.
Whereas where we tried hard not to go to,
I think that's how I finally came through..
All the things we took for granted, the words still live on in my head,
All the times I took for granted, all the words I never said,
I think about you in the moon lit night and
the stars all seem to weep..
When there's so much love to you, there's never any time for sleep...
So, I stay true to the things I knew when I was younger,
When you and love was all there left to hunger.
It's when I stray from the truth as I grow older,
Too much leaves an empty hollow hunger,
Too much leaves an emptying hunger.
Living without you..
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Κάθε μέρα κάτι τελειώνει,
έτσι σιγά σιγά συνηθίζουμε το μεγάλο τέλος
βλέπουμε ένα καπέλο στη χλόη,
ένα πιάνο πλάι στη θάλασσα, μια γυναίκα στη βροχή-
θυμάσαι το σανατόριο στο μακρινό προάστιο
και την αλληλογραφία μας απ'τα διπλανά δωμάτια
ύστερα η αναχώρηση κι ένας απλός χαιρετισμός χωρίς επιμύθιο.
Κι ύστερα ήρθε η νύχτα
και τ'άστρα ήταν το τελευταίο σημάδι οτι αγαπηθήκαμε...
Saturday, May 20, 2006
foto_quizzzzzzzz vol.2
Ποιοί είναι οι πέντε κύριοι που όταν μεγαλώσουν θα γινούν fucking famous???
Δεν είναι δύσκολο...
_Η σειρά είναι η εξής:από πάνω προς τα κάτω
και αριθμώντας από το 1 εως 5..
I disconnect..
Έχοντας τα άπειρα νεύρα σήμερα..
Ξύπνησα τελείως χάλια.
Έξω σύννεφα και βροχή.Μέσα μόνο σύννεφα προς το παρόν.
Το απόλυτο κενό.Δεν έχω διάθεση για τίποτα και για κανέναν.
Tι αντικοινωνικό θα πείτε..
Όχι ακριβώς..Εσωτερικότητα "στο τετράγωνο" θα το έλεγα.
Αλλάζει τώρα αυτό?Τελοσπάντων..
Ελπίζοντας σε καλύτερη εξέλιξη της μέρας,
τολμώ να πω καλημέρα..
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Non, je ne regrette rien.
Δεν πήγα ποτέ..
Στα όνειρά μου όμως πάω παντού!
Kάποια στιγμή θα γίνει κι αυτό..πραγματικότητα!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
Dancing with my loneliness!
I've been here all the time,
as far as I know doing right
I've always waited for the moment
that you would come through my door.
But this brought loneliness ... so far
I lay my hand onto my heart.
Is this a life I want to live?
Is this the dream I had of you?...
...the dream I had of you?
Now I'm standing here alone
waiting on my own,
for something that will fill the emptiness inside...
The moment that you're mine
but this is loneliness ... I know
I lay my hand onto my soul,
Is this what life has got to give?
Is this the dream I had of you?
... the dream I had of you?
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
Too late...
Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now..
If you've got someone to blame..
You said one love..
One life..
When it's one need..
In the night..
One love we get to share it..
It leaves you baby,if you don't care for it.
Did I disappoint you?
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
You act like you never had love..
And you want me to go without..
Well it's too late tonight,
to drag the past out into the light..
We're one, but we're not the same.
We get to carry each other..
Carry each other..
Did I ask too much?
More than a lot..
You gave me nothing now..It's all I got..
We're one, but we're not the same,
Well, we hurt each other, and we're doing it again..
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Ερωτική επιθυμία...
Έναν ήλιο να αρπάζεις απ'τη μέση να χορεύεις αργά,
δίχως λόγο να κλαις για κάποια δύση με ένα χάος αγκαλιά,
κι αν τα χέρια μου άδεια χωρίς χέρια μια νύχτα με φως
δως μου μνήμη, μέτρα καλοκαίρια
είμαι ο άλλος σου εαυτός...
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Οnly thoughts?
Δεν έχουμε αρκετά αγαθά; Τρελάθηκες;
Σε πονώ, με πονάς. Σε νοιάζομαι, με νοιάζεσαι.
Τόσα ρήματα δικά μας! Καταδικά μας!
Να καταναλώνουμε μια ζωή.
Ταιριάζουμε εμείς.Γιατί...
Φοράμε το ίδιο χρώμα στην ψυχή.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Where's my angel?
Can you see?
My soul is sensitive.
Angel won’t you show me what’s right?
Desired reflections!
Όταν φεύγεις, είναι σίγουρο πως ρισκάρεις.
Τίποτα δεν θα μείνει έτσι, όπως το άφησες.
Ό,τι μένει πίσω σου, μπορεί να μην το γνωρίσεις,
αν θελήσεις να το ξαναδείς.
Δεν μπορείς να αιχμαλωτίσεις
παρά μόνο τις αναμνήσεις σου.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Say what your soul sings to you..
Your mind can never change,
unless you ask it to.
Lovingly rearrange
the thoughts that make you blue.
The things that bring you down
will mean no harm to you.
And so make your choice joy.
The joy belongs to you...
And when you do,
you'll find the one you love is here.
You'll find you..
Love you ...
Love, love is a verb...

Most faithfull mirror
Fearless on my breath...
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath...
Sunday, April 30, 2006
No longer scared if I fall...
Anyone can see
What is it with you, you silly thing
Just take it from me
It was not a chance meeting
Feel my heart beating
You're the one
I'd still have it all
Cause I've climbed the tree of life
And that is why, no longer scared if I fall
I can return to this place
Cause, you're the one
Nothing fails
No more fears
Nothing fails
You washed away my tears
Nothing fails
No more fears
Nothing fails...
Saturday, April 29, 2006
So afraid to fail,so afraid to fall...
I've always thought
that I would love to live by the sea,
To travel the world alone
and live more simply.
I have no idea what's happened to that dream...
As there's really nothing left here to stop me

Friday, April 28, 2006
Day dream...
So many times i've overfloated
So many faces come and go
I played my cards into the sun
and tried to work out
What you are to me...
Been here before
A million open doors
Only one would set me free
So i fought against the wall
And tried to work out
What you are to me...
To me......
Beside my eyes
The answer lies
Something i can't see
Another day
Another way
So they say to me...
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Είμαστε ζώα μοναχικά.
Όλη μας τη ζωή παλεύουμε για λίγο λιγότερη μοναξιά.
Και μια από τις πανάρχαιες μεθόδους μας είναι να λέμε μια ιστορία,
παρακαλώντας να βρεθεί ένας ακροατής που θα πεί (και θα το πιστέψει)
¨Α ,ναι, έτσι ακριβώς είναι, ή πάντως έτσι το αισθάνομαι κι εγώ".
John Steinbeck, Cannery Row
Friday, April 21, 2006
H παρουσία
Μαρία Νεφέλη: Περπατώ μες στα αγκάθια
Σ’αυτά που’ναι να γίνουν και στ’αλλοτινά
Κι έχω για μόνο μου όπλο μόνη μου άμυνα
Τα νύχια μου τα μωβ σαν τα κυκλάμινα
Αντιφωνητής: Παντού την είδα. Να κρατάει
ένα ποτήρι και να
κοιτάζει στο κενό. Ν΄ακούει
δίσκους ξαπλωμένη χάμου.
Να περπατάει στο δρόμο
με φαρδιά παντελόνια και
μια παλιά γκαμπαρντίνα.
Μπρος από τις βιτρίνες
Των παιδιών. Πιο θλιμμένη τότε.
Και στις δισκοθήκες,
πιο νευρική, να τρώει τα νύχια της.
Καπνίζει αμέτρητα τσιγάρα.
Είναι χλωμή κι ωραία. Μ’αν της μιλάς
ούτε που ακούει καθόλου.
Σα να γίνεται κάτι αλλού – που μόνο αυτή τ’ακούει
και τρομάζει. Κρατάει
το χέρι σου σφιχτά, δακρύζει, αλλά δεν είναι εκεί.
Δεν την έπιασα ποτέ, ούτε της πήρα τίποτα.
Μ.Ν. Τίποτα δεν κατάλαβε.
Όλη την ώρα μου’λεγε « θυμάσαι; »
Τι να θυμηθώ; Μονάχα τα όνειρα θυμάμαι,
γιατί τα βλέπω νύχτα.
Όμως τη μέρα αισθάνομαι άσχημα
– πώς να το πω: απροετοίμαστη.
Βρέθηκα μέσα στη ζωή τόσο άξαφνα
– κει που δεν το περίμενα καθόλου.
Έλεγα « μπα θα συνηθίσω ».
Κι όλοι γύρω μου έτρεχαν.
Πράγματα κι άνθρωποι έτρεχαν,
έτρεχαν- ώσπου βάλθηκα κι εγώ να τρέχω
σαν τρελή. Αλλά φαίνεται, το παράκανα.
Επειδή – δεν ξέρω- κάτι παράξενο έγινε στο τέλος.
Πρώτα έβλεπα τον νεκρό κι ύστερα γινόταν ο φόνος.
Πρώτα ερχόταν το αίμα κι ύστερα ο χτύπος κι η κραυγή.
Και τώρα όταν ακούω να βρέχει δεν ξέρω
τι με περιμένει…
-Οδυσσέας Ελύτης-
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Με πρώτη ύλη τις αποτυχίες μας
πλάθουμε πόντο πόντο μες στο σκοτάδι
έναν ανθισμένο χιονάνθρωπο,
τον εαυτό μας....